Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


On the night beforeChrismast day, the date of 24 December, Spencer And Katherine go to its father house to celebrate the natal day. Spencer And Katherine do not go with their mother, because their parent have divorced. When in Airport of Spencer and Katherine entrusted by their mother of at Airport worker. To come to to its father house, Spencer And Katherine have to go to first airport then go to the second airport. But this moment first Airport happen the snowstorm, so that air transport in delaying until snowstorm finish.
At the time of at home, Spencer and Katherine’s mother very worry when hearing news that its childs is trapped by snowstorm in Airport. Last is the direct mother in short order phone the father of Spencer and Khatherine to fetch them in Airport. When until transportation journey of is the father of a lot of getting problem with its car, although so he remain to be out for to Airport.
When in Airport, Spencer And Ketherine in bringing to a room, and in the reality that room is room of children place which go without their parent. In that room is Spencer And Katherine meet the children which naughty.Atmosphere room which noisy, making bored Spencer in the room. Then Spencer go out from that room with so called other children of Donna, Bifh, Charly, and Grace. Unconsciously Spencer have left the Katherine in the room.
After they go out from that room, they make the big problem, so that they run by Mr.Porter. Mr.Porter is manager in Airport. Old too long they is caught and entered again to mentioned room place. When they come into the room, in the reality its room have empty. Because Katherine and orther children have been carried over in a Hotel.
Spencer thirst for to come in contact with the Katherine.Donna, Grace, Charly, and Bifh will assist the Spencer. They wish in short order go out from that place. Then Spencer have the very bright idea. By deceiving worker guard and lurk, they can go out. Unconsciously they have at one's post goods which have never been taken by its owner. Spencer find a humorous doll, and that doll will be given to Katherine for the present of natal.
When them arestling, sudden all custodian come to catch the them. they in short order to run. In front of they see a door, and their door. When door opened they see a big building, in the reality that building is Hotel of place Katherine omit. They wish to that Hotel, but its place is very far. Because custodian pursuing have come, hence they go to Hotel use the boat and glide in ice. All custodian follow to pursue to use the goods of exist in there.
After through some barricade, they reach the Hotel. Direct Spencer in short order step into the Hotel and he see the Katherine is slept. Then direct Spencer give its doll.
 At the time, suddenly Mr. Poter come, and they were ccaught. Then input to an place whice almost loo like by a serve a sentence. Each every one place dwelt by one people, although so they still can communicate with the walkie tallkie taken when in place mentioned goods. Every room given by the video recorder of so that can be observed by Mr. Porter. They were all wish the exit from that place. Then Spencer get the idea. They earn the exit of through roof and their walkie tallkie was jointed with the video recorder. And they succeed to break away. But sometime later Mr. Porter that children have broke away. then Mr. Porter and his staff start to pursue.
Wish to celebrate the natal with Katherine and people who did not become flown by effect of snowstorm. Mr. Porter agree, but if children did not make the problem, he will punish the children.
Last night Spencer, Donna, Charly, and busy Grace decorate the Airport with the natal decoration. Sudedenly Bifh come by bringing spruce. Other people have slept a few moment later they have decorated. Donna, Spencer, Bifh, Charly, and Grace busy rouse the people with the bell.
 They were start to go to the Airport and they celebrate the natal with people. Mr. Porter come by using clothes Sinterclas. Spencer And Katherine’s father come to Airport. Then Spencer, Katherine and his Father can celebrete the natal with them. Finally, Spencer converse to pass the calm telephone his mother expecting him to.